Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Final: Mood Board

I chose a remodeling company, Homeworks to create a design plan for. For the logo I used large 3-D constructed letters to appear as though the H and W were built of wood. My mood board includes a full page ad, a website design a four page brochure, a t-shirt give away, business card, envelope and stationary design. I used shades of blue and orange as my color scheme; pantone 631 C, 713 C, 151 C and 320 C. I strategically placed them to create an appealing corporate identity package.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Homeworks Logo

I was very undecisive when it came to desigining this logo. I wanted it to be simplistic with a pop of color. I downloaded a variety of fonts to play with that would illustrate construction or a remodeling company. I ended up using a 3D letter font that I found online for the H and the W. I thought it made it look like the letters were being built. I also wanted to create a triangle or roof looking object for one of the words. For clarification purposes in smaller print I wrote remodeling co. I originally made the design in In Design but then moved it to Illustrator so that I could save it as a PNG. I think that this logo is multi-faceted and can be used on a letter head or business cards as well as become life size sign for the business.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Book Cover-Technical Exercise

This exercise taught me how to lay things out in a specific size on In design. I originally used the gradient in black and grey but I decided to change the color to purple because it was more appealing and suitable to the topic. I took the logo and changed the colors to black with a white outline so that it popped. The sizing and binding was the most difficult because I had to write the text and then rotate it 90% so that it would be vertical when looking at it on the shelf. I placed the pictures strategically on the front cover. The back of books always included a lot of text. I didnt use the same font as the rest of the cover and I had to make it smaller.

Wrinkle Ad

I liked the image of the woman for the wrinkle ad because I felt like it spoke to the reader the best. I used the clone tool to extend and morph the background with the rest of the space. I think the most important thing about this ad was the layout of the wording. I placed the company's logo at the bottom but in larger font but I kept the color consistent with the rest of the text excluding the phone number. I felt lie the goal was to get people to call so although the contact information is at the bottom, it still stands out.


I chose to create a logo for Flying Tiger Web Design Company because I though that it's title would create a very visual graphic. Unforuntately I struggled with making his out line look like a flying tiger. I added eyes and nose using the pen tool in illustrator. I wanted the logo to be less opaque so that the font stands out. I used Rockwell for both texts in the logo.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Icon: No Ipods

The goal for this icon was to make it's purpose clear. I choose to create the no ipod symbol. Our row chose to use the same format with the circle and the block out line. To make the lines even and clear I used the rounded rectangle tool in Adobe Illustrator. It was easier to create this design than I expected. I wanted to add detail to the inside of the ipod to make it clear what you are looking at.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Word Play

I chose to use the word "morph" because I like what it symbolizes. When I think of things changing in form the first thing that comes to mind is cocoons and butterflys. I found the font on the internet called weathered and I thought it fit well with the theme. To make the green background I choose a green fill layer in the shape of a diamond an extended it to the edges of the page. I also used the shading filter to make "morph" look more "morphed"